Thursday, 10 August 2017

Pindah rata rata tumpang tindih

Panduan Ilmuwan dan Insinyur untuk Pengolahan Sinyal Digital Oleh Steven W. Smith, Ph. D. Bab 18: Konvolusi FFT Metode Overlap-Add Ada banyak aplikasi DSP dimana sinyal panjang harus disaring pada segmen. Misalnya, audio digital kesetiaan tinggi membutuhkan data rate sekitar 5 Mbytesmin, sementara video digital membutuhkan sekitar 500 Mbytesmin. Dengan kecepatan data yang tinggi ini, umum bagi komputer untuk memiliki memori yang tidak mencukupi untuk sekaligus menahan keseluruhan sinyal untuk diproses. Ada juga sistem yang memproses segment-by-segment karena mereka beroperasi secara real time. Misalnya, sinyal telepon tidak dapat ditunda lebih dari beberapa ratus milidetik, sehingga membatasi jumlah data yang tersedia untuk diproses pada saat bersamaan. Dalam aplikasi lain, pemrosesan mungkin mengharuskan sinyal tersegmentasi. Contohnya adalah konvolusi FFT, topik utama bab ini. Metode overlap-add didasarkan pada teknik dasar dalam DSP: (1) menguraikan sinyal menjadi komponen sederhana, (2) memproses masing-masing komponen dengan cara yang berguna, dan (3) menggabungkan komponen yang diproses menjadi sinyal akhir. Gambar 18-1 menunjukkan contoh bagaimana hal ini dilakukan untuk metode overlap-add. Gambar (a) adalah sinyal yang akan disaring, sedangkan (b) menunjukkan kernel saringan yang akan digunakan, saringan low pass pass berjejer. Melompat ke bagian bawah gambar, (i) menunjukkan sinyal yang disaring, versi merapikan (a). Kunci untuk metode ini adalah bagaimana panjang sinyal ini dipengaruhi oleh konvolusi. Bila sinyal sampel N diputar dengan saringan sampel sampel M, sinyal outputnya adalah sampel N M - 1. Misalnya, sinyal input, (a), adalah 300 sampel (berjalan dari 0 sampai 299), kernel filter, (b), adalah 101 sampel (berjalan dari 0 sampai 100), dan sinyal output, (i), Adalah 400 sampel (berjalan dari 0 sampai 399). Dengan kata lain, ketika sinyal sampel N disaring, maka akan diperluas dengan M - 1 poin ke kanan. (Ini mengasumsikan bahwa kernel filter berjalan dari indeks 0 ke M Jika indeks negatif digunakan pada kernel filter, ekspansi juga akan ke kiri). Dalam (a), angka nol telah ditambahkan pada sinyal antara sampel 300 dan 399 untuk menggambarkan di mana perluasan ini akan terjadi. Jangan bingung dengan nilai kecil di ujung sinyal output, (i). Ini hanyalah hasil dari kernel filter windowed-sinc yang memiliki nilai kecil di dekat ujungnya. Semua 400 sampel dalam (i) tidak nol, meskipun beberapa di antaranya terlalu kecil untuk dilihat dalam grafik. Angka (c), (d) dan (e) menunjukkan dekomposisi yang digunakan dalam metode overlap-add. Sinyal dipecah menjadi beberapa segmen, dengan masing-masing segmen memiliki 100 sampel dari sinyal aslinya. Sebagai tambahan, 100 angka nol ditambahkan ke kanan setiap segmen. Pada langkah selanjutnya, masing-masing segmen disaring secara terpisah dengan mengencangkannya dengan saringan kernel. Ini menghasilkan segmen output yang ditunjukkan pada (f), (g), dan (h). Karena setiap segmen input 100 sampel panjangnya, dan saringannya adalah 101 sampel, masing-masing segmen keluaran akan menjadi 200 sampel. Poin penting untuk dipahami adalah bahwa 100 angka nol ditambahkan ke setiap segmen input untuk memungkinkan ekspansi selama konvolusi. Perhatikan bahwa hasil ekspansi pada segmen output saling tumpang tindih. Segmen output tumpang tindih ini ditambahkan untuk memberi sinyal output, (i). Misalnya, sampel 200 sampai 299 pada (i) ditemukan dengan menambahkan sampel yang sesuai pada (g) dan (h). Metode overlap-add menghasilkan sinyal output yang sama persis seperti konvolusi langsung. Kerugiannya adalah kompleksitas program yang jauh lebih besar untuk melacak sampel yang tumpang tindih. Rumah tinggal Ambil Virgin Media dengan Anda Dapatkah saya menyimpan nomor telepon saya Jika Anda tidak bergerak jauh, itu seharusnya tidak menjadi masalah. Jika Anda khawatir hanya memberi telepon 150 secara gratis dari telepon rumah atau ponsel Virgin Media Anda, atau 0345 454 1097 dari telepon lain dan opsi pers 4. Bagaimana dengan Layanan Preferensi Telepon Jika Anda mengubah nomor Anda, Anda harus melakukan re - Mendaftar dengan Layanan Preferensi Telepon (TPS) untuk menghentikan panggilan telepon yang tidak diinginkan, mengganggu, berbahaya atau ditahan. Mengapa tidak memeriksa lebih banyak informasi tentang TPS 3. Tutup kesepakatan Menandatangani kontrak dan mewujudkannya Nah pop kontrak baru di pos tersebut. Periksalah dirimu senang dengan segalanya, lalu tanda tangani dan kembalikan ke kami. Mudah-peasy Memindahkan layanan Virgin Media sulit diatasi. Nah, transfer alamat email, penagihan dan detail lainnya ke akun baru Anda. Dapatkah saya menyimpan alamat email dan ruang web saya Ya, tentu saja. Transfer baik ke akun baru Anda pada hari Anda pindah. Bagaimana jika saya pindah ke alamat sementara Tidak masalah. Berikan salah satu telepon dari Penelpon Movers Advisors kami kepada 150 secara gratis dari telepon rumah Virgin Mobile atau ponsel Anda, atau 0345 454 1097 dari telepon lain dan opsi tekan 4 dan mereka dapat membantu. Apa yang terjadi dengan rincian Direct Debit saya, pendaftaran e-book dan akun My Virgin Media Tenang, semuanya tetap sama. Dapatkah saya memindahkan hari yang sama Sayangnya, rumah lama dan rumah baru Anda tidak dapat aktif pada hari yang sama. Tapi kami bisa memutuskan rumah lama Anda pada hari sebelum Anda memindahkan atau menginstal layanan baru Anda sehari setelahnya. Beritahu kami Anda dapat menggunakan layanan Anda di rumah lama sampai tengah hari pada hari pemutusan hubungan kerja Anda. Benarkah saya bisa mendapatkan 50 kredit di alamat baru saya Ya Jika orang yang pindah ke rumah lama Anda menerima layanan kami karena Anda merekomendasikan kami, cukup beri mereka 50 kredit dan Anda 50 kredit. Hal yang sama berlaku jika Anda merekomendasikan teman dan keluarga ke Virgin Media juga. Tidak buruk, eh Apakah saya perlu membawa peralatan saya bersamaku Ya, bawa semua peralatanmu bersamamu. Akankah peralatan saya bekerja di alamat baru saya Ya, selama rumah baru Anda berada di area kabel Virgin Media dan Anda tidak mengubah atau meningkatkan peralatan Anda. Jika Anda memiliki kotak Virgin TiVo, itu akan menyimpan semua rekaman Anda. Dan jika Anda memiliki Super Hub, Anda akan ingat semua pengaturan WiFi Anda. Berapa lama waktu pemasangannya tergantung pada properti dan layanan yang Anda pakai. Jika Anda memiliki poin koneksi Virgin Media di rumah baru Anda, tidak perlu waktu lama, terutama jika Anda menggunakan QuickStart untuk menginstal sendiri. Namun, jika rumah baru Anda tidak pernah memiliki layanan kami atau Anda ingin memindahkan titik koneksi, biasanya dibutuhkan waktu hingga 2 jam. Apa yang terjadi dengan tagihan saya saat saya pindah rumah Tagihan terakhir untuk alamat lama Anda dikirim ke alamat baru (seperti yang akan diproduksi setelah Anda pindah). Untuk segala hal yang perlu diketahui, periksa penjawab tagihan kami. Untuk rincian berapa biaya untuk menghubungi tim kami dari telepon rumah Virgin Media, kunjungi virginmediacallcosts. Biaya panggilan dari jaringan lain dan ponsel bervariasi. Rujuk Teman: Untuk menerima kredit Refer a Friend dari 50, Anda harus menjadi pelanggan Virgin Media Cable yang ada (tidak menawarkan Virgin Mobile atau Pelanggan Nasional) dan teman Anda pastilah pelanggan yang sudah ada setidaknya 6 bulan. Maksimal 25 Rujuk rujukan teman per bulan kalender. Rujukan via situs Rujukan online kami hanya akan memenuhi syarat untuk tawaran tersebut jika teman Anda mendaftar saat dihubungi oleh tim Rujuk Teman kami. Kredit diterapkan ke kedua akun tersebut setelah masa garansi uang kembali berlalu dan teman tersebut membayar tagihan pertama mereka. Tidak dapat digunakan sehubungan dengan tawaran lainnya. Alamat kantor yang terdaftar: Rumah Media, Taman Bisnis Bartley Wood, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UP. Terdaftar di Inggris dan Wales No. 02591237 Barang hukum Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu selama kontrak berlangsung. Jangka minimum berlaku untuk layanan kabel Anda, periksa keranjang untuk rinciannya. Jika Anda membatalkan selama masa kontrak minimum Anda akan dikenakan biaya pemutusan awal. Ketersediaan layanan: Jangka minimum berlaku untuk layanan kabel Anda, periksa keranjang untuk rinciannya. Jika Anda membatalkan selama masa kontrak minimum Anda akan dikenakan biaya pemutusan awal. Instalasi: Biaya instalasi insinyur mungkin berlaku pada paket atau paket tertentu (mulai dari 40 untuk pemasangan standar). Biaya aktivasi: Ada biaya aktivasi sebesar 14,99. Pembayaran: Jangka minimum berlaku untuk layanan kabel Anda, periksa keranjang untuk rinciannya. Jika Anda membatalkan selama masa kontrak minimum Anda akan dikenakan biaya pemutusan awal. Kontrak terpisah berlaku untuk layanan kabel dan seluler Anda. Harap dicatat bahwa biaya standar berlaku, hubungi operator jaringan Anda untuk mengetahui harga. Untuk rincian tentang berapa biaya untuk menghubungi tim kami dari telepon rumah Virgin Media, kunjungi virginmediacallcosts. Biaya panggilan dari jaringan lain dan ponsel bervariasi. Pembayaran mungkin diperlukan sebelumnya. Tagihan pertama Anda mencakup tagihan untuk bulan yang Anda ikuti (mulai hari Anda bergabung), ditambah satu bulan sebelumnya. Semua harga sudah termasuk PPN. Semua info dan harga berlaku pada 1 September 2016. Tambahkan 0,45 sebulan untuk pembayaran Debet Non-Langsung dan 1,75 sebulan untuk tagihan kertas. Panggilan dapat dipantau. Kontrak terpisah berlaku untuk layanan kabel dan layanan bergerak Anda. Hal-hal Hukum lebih lanjut berlaku. Lihat virginmedia Jaminan uang kembali: Jaminan uang kembali 14 hari tersedia untuk pelanggan kabel baru dan pelanggan kabel yang ada mengambil layanan baru. Hubungi kami dalam waktu 14 hari aktivasi layanan untuk membatalkan dan mengembalikan dengan baik biaya bulan pertama dan biaya pemasangan apapun. Anda hanya akan dikenakan biaya untuk transaksi (panggilan, teks, pembelian, peningkatan layanan) yang terjadi setelah aktivasi. Hak hukum tidak terpengaruh DOCSIS: CableLabs adalah pemilik merek dagang DOCSIS 3. Cakupan layanan yang tidak termasuk: Tidak termasuk penganiayaan yang tidak tepat. Peralatan tetap milik Virgin Media. Langit dan BT dapat mengenakan biaya untuk perbaikan dan penggantian di luar garansi. Sewa telepon: Line rental saat ini 19,00 sebulan Rental Line Saver: 196 selama 12 bulan Line Rental harus dibayar terlebih dahulu dengan kartu kredit debit. Tersedia untuk pelanggan baru dan yang ada dengan saluran telepon kabel Virgin Media. Biaya panggilan berlaku sesuai tarif anda. Tidak tersedia dengan penawaran sewa baris lainnya atau rencana penawaran Home Phone Talk. Jika Anda membatalkan Line Rental Saver dalam waktu 14 hari dari pesanan Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian uang muka dari uang muka Anda ke kartu debit atau kartu kredit yang Anda bayar. Jika uang muka tidak dapat dikembalikan. Setelah 12 bulan, Anda akan secara otomatis beralih ke biaya sewa baris standar (saat ini 19,00 sebulan). SIM: Kontrak dan persyaratan dan ketentuan terpisah berlaku untuk layanan kabel dan seluler Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan layanan kabel dan seluler dari kami, Anda akan menerima tagihan terpisah untuk layanan kabel dan seluler Anda. USwitch awards 2016: Sumber pembawa acara Cuaca. Sinyal satelit dan udara dapat dipengaruhi oleh cuaca yang ekstrem. Lihat virginmedia, sky dan bt untuk rincian lengkap dari masing-masing produk dan layanan ISP. ampnbsp Penawaran mengharuskan Anda untuk membayar dengan Debet Langsung dan menggunakan eBilling. Semua Sepakbola dengan harga terbaik: Hanya pelanggan baru. Perbandingan berdasarkan biaya bulanan selama 12 bulan dari penyedia paket termurah saat ini tersedia yang mencakup saluran Sky Sports dan BT Sports. Virgin Media: Campur TV dengan paket Sky Sports SD dan BT Sport HD Premium, 49.50m (kontrak 12 bulan min). Sky: Bundle Original, Sports Sky dan paket BT Sport, 65.99m (kontrak 18 bulan min). TalkTalk: Broadband Cepat dan TV dengan Sky Sports Boost BT Sport Pack, 63.44m (kontrak 24 bulan min). Harga Sky dan TalkTalk rata-rata selama 12 bulan untuk memperhitungkan penawaran perkenalan. Sky Sports 3, 4 amp 5 tidak tersedia di BT tapi BT Entertainment Starter (termasuk BT Sports) Sky Sports 1amp2 51.99m (kontrak 12 bulan min). Harga benar 18012017. Bundel pemain: Pelanggan baru saja. Player TV, SuperFibre 50 broadband (hingga 50Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 29 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Cinema tersedia dengan biaya tambahan bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Campuran bundel: Pelanggan baru saja. Mix TV, SuperFibre 50 broadband (hingga 50Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 42 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Cinema tersedia dengan biaya tambahan bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Paket menyenangkan: Pelanggan baru saja. Fun TV, VIVID 100 broadband (hingga 100Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 49 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Cinema tersedia dengan biaya tambahan bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Paket lengkap: Pelanggan baru saja. Full House TV, VIVID 200 broadband (hingga 200Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 55 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Cinema amp Sky Sports tersedia dengan biaya ekstra bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Bundel Olahraga Rumah Penuh: Pelanggan baru saja. Full House TV, VIVID 200 broadband (hingga 200Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 75 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Cinema tersedia dengan biaya tambahan bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Bundel Film Full Edition Gratis: Pelanggan baru saja. Full House TV, VIVID 200 broadband (hingga 200Mbps) dan Talk Weekends. 55 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Pengaya premium seperti Sky Sports tersedia dengan biaya ekstra bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Bundel VIP: Pelanggan baru saja. Full House TV, Sky Cinema dan Sky Sports (termasuk di HD), broadband VIVID 200 (hingga 200Mbps) dan Talk Any Anytime. 85 sebulan selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Premium add-on tersedia dengan biaya tambahan bulanan. Jika Anda membatalkan layanan Anda selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda meningkatkan versi layanan apa pun, penetapan harga standar akan berlaku untuk peningkatan versi tersebut. Virgin Media berhak untuk menarik atau mengubah harga jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Diskon 12 bulan - Pelanggan baru saja: Dari 5,50 harga bundel kabel sebulan, selama 12 bulan. Harga sudah termasuk line rental (19 per bulan). Jika Anda membatalkan selama jangka waktu minimum, biaya pemutusan awal akan berlaku. Harga Debit dan eBill Langsung. Tambahkan biaya penanganan pembayaran hingga 45p per bulan untuk pembayaran Debet Non-Langsung dan 1,75 sebulan untuk tagihan kertas. Menurunkan layanan di bundel Anda dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya diskon bundel. Jika Anda mengupgrade semua aspek, harga standar berlaku untuk upgrade. Kami dapat menarik atau mengubah diskon jika Anda mengubah bagian dari paket Anda. Virgin Media berhak menarik penawaran ini setiap saat. Tawaran mungkin tidak digunakan bersamaan dengan penawaran lainnya kecuali dinyatakan oleh Virgin Media. Penawaran tersedia sampai 28 Februari 2017. Saluran, konten dan fitur yang tersedia bergantung pada paket pilihan Anda. Saluran, konten dan fitur bervariasi dan bergantung pada langganan yang Anda pilih. Saluran premium: Jika Anda ingin mengurangi tingkat layanan Anda atau menghapus layanan tambahan (termasuk saluran televisi premium), Anda harus memberi kami pemberitahuan 30 hari. Anda harus berlangganan Sky Sports di SD untuk mengambil saluran ini di HD. Sky Cinema Premiere 1 tidak tersedia di HD. Saluran Sky Sports HD: Sky Sports HD channels 7 per bulan saat berlangganan saluran Sky Sports SD. Sky Cinema On Demand: Lebih dari 1000 film sesuai permintaan tersedia bagi pelanggan Virgin Media. Saluran TV: Saluran line-up dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu dan tunduk pada variasi regional. Paket TV saat ini mengecualikan beberapa layanan teleteks. ITV HD tunduk pada variasi regional. ITV HD tidak tersedia di mana STV HD atau UTV HD tersedia. HD: TV HD, Kotak V HD Box atau TiVo terhubung dengan kabel HDMI yang dibutuhkan untuk saluran HD. Jumlah saluran HD inklusif bergantung pada paket Anda. 4K. Kompatibel 4KUHD Catch Up TV: Catch Up Konten TV tersedia selama tujuh hari setelah disiarkan. Virgin TV Anywhere: Konten yang tersedia untuk dilihat bergantung pada paket TV. Tidak semua saluran dari paket yang relevan tersedia. Program yang dipilih mungkin tidak tersedia untuk dilihat. Live streaming dan On Demand tersedia di Inggris dengan akses internet broadband atau WiFi saja. Akses via PC, Mac atau TV Anywhere App. TiVo tools untuk pelanggan TiVo saja. Minimal 800Kbps direkomendasikan per perangkat yang mengakses layanan secara bersamaan. Maksimal 2 perangkat per akun bisa nonton TV. Aplikasi Virgin TV Anywhere: Hanya tersedia dengan perangkat yang kompatibel (perangkat iOS dan ponsel Android dan tablet yang dipilih). Saluran bergantung pada paket TV. Tidak semua saluran tersedia melalui App. On Demand hanya tersedia untuk paket M atau Mix TV dan yang lebih tinggi. Hanya di inggris Koneksi WiFi di Inggris dan perangkat yang kompatibel diperlukan. Maks. 2 perangkat. Perjanjian Lisensi Pengguna Akhir berlaku. Kunjungi virginmedia untuk syarat dan ketentuan lengkap. Sky Cinema amp Aplikasi Sky Sports: Hanya tersedia melalui situs web Sky Cinema dan Sky Sports atau aplikasi (untuk ponsel dan tablet iOS dan Android yang dipilih) kepada pelanggan yang berlangganan saluran ini. Hanya di inggris Maksimum 2 perangkat. Aplikasi Sky Cinema hanya tersedia di iOS 8 dan yang lebih baru, dan Android 4.x. Konten yang dipilih mungkin tidak tersedia untuk dilihat. Perjanjian Lisensi Pengguna Akhir yang terpisah dan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku untuk aplikasi dan situs Sky Cinema and Sky Sports. Multi-room streaming: Jika Anda menggunakan Powerline, tunduk pada listrik rumah tangga Anda yang mendukung kecepatan jaringan yang dibutuhkan. Streaming ruangan hanya tersedia di saluran yang dipilih. Film Sesuai Permintaan: Film Perawan Sesuai Permintaan film dibayar berdasarkan judul. Setelah membeli, semua konten On Demand yang Dibebankan harus dilihat dalam 48 jam Sky Sports: Logo F1, F1, FORMULA 1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, GRAND PRIX dan merek terkait adalah merek dagang dari Formula One Licensing BV, perusahaan grup Formula Satu . Seluruh hak cipta. 3D On Demand: TV 3D, V HD Box, kabel HDMI dan kacamata 3D yang kompatibel dengan TV diharuskan untuk melihat konten dalam 3D. Kotak Virgin TV V6 Kotak Virgin TV V6 hanya tersedia pada kumpulan yang dipilih dan mungkin memerlukan kontrak minimum kontrak baru di Mix TV dengan paket VIVID 100 atau lebih. Biaya veteran Virgin TV V6 tambahan dapat berlaku untuk upgrade tertentu. Mengatur biaya mulai dari 49,95 jika tidak disertakan sebagai bagian dari paket Anda, periksa deskripsi bundel untuk lebih jelasnya. Kotak Virgin TV V6 tetap menjadi milik Virgin Media. TiVo: Biaya TiVo bulanan adalah 5 per kotak TiVo (di atas TV Player, Mix TV, TV Fun atau paket TV Full House Anda). Konten yang tersedia untuk dilihat bergantung pada paket TV Anda. Kotak TiVo tetap milik Virgin Media. Informasi tentang penggunaan TiVo Anda: Dengan andor menggunakan layanan TiVo, Anda memberi kami izin untuk menggunakan informasi tampilan Anda untuk mempersonalisasi pengalaman TiVo Anda (selain tujuan lain yang tercantum dalam kebijakan privasi kami). Kami dapat membagikan informasi ini kepada pihak ketiga dalam bentuk gabungan. Ini tidak akan mengidentifikasi Anda secara pribadi. Data gabungan ini dapat digunakan oleh pihak ketiga tersebut untuk tujuan pemasaran. Logo TiVo, WishList dan Thumbs Up dan logo Thumbs Down adalah merek dagang atau merek dagang terdaftar dari TiVo Inc. dan anak perusahaannya di seluruh dunia. Fitur TiVo: Catat tiga pertunjukkan dan tonton yang keempat yang Anda rekam sebelumnya. Music on Demand tidak dapat ditemukan oleh fungsi pencarian. Pelanggan baru: aktivasi kotak TiVo 500GB bernilai 49,95. Aktivasi kotak TiVo 1TB berharga 99,95. Jika Anda mengambil kotak TiVo 500GB sebagai kotak pertama atau kedua, biaya aktivasi akan dihapuskan. Jika Anda mengambil kotak TiVo 1TB sebagai kotak pertama Anda, kami akan mengurangi biaya aktivasi menjadi 49,95. Seri Link: TiVo saja. Tidak semua layanan dan aplikasi tersedia melalui Penelusuran. Pencarian hanya akan menandai konten yang tersedia di platform TiVo. Box Sets: Box Sets hanya tersedia di TV XL melalui kotak TiVo. Pemilihan showseries tersedia bervariasi setiap bulannya. Semua paket sepakbola Sky Sports dan Full House (XL) dibutuhkan. Netflix: Langganan Netflix dibutuhkan dengan biaya tambahan. Kotak set: Hanya tersedia untuk pelanggan Full House (XL) saja. Konten bervariasi dan akan ditambahkan dan ditarik setiap bulan. Akhir Pekan Bicara: Tarif zero-rated berlaku untuk jam pertama panggilan suara lokal dan nasional langsung yang diputar langsung (nomor mulai 01, 02 dan 03), nomor Virgin Mobile dan nomor 0870 dimulai akhir pekan (sepanjang hari Sabtu dan Minggu) Periode. Mengecualikan akses tidak langsung, internet dial-up, 0845, nomor non-geografis lainnya, penomoran pribadi 070 Personal, dan 076 Pager. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. Biaya berlaku di luar menit inklusif. Kebijakan penggunaan uang berlaku. Nomor 08.30nnnnnnnngannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlnnnlnnnlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlnlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnln Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan untuk biaya panggilan atampnbspvirginmediacallcosts. ampnbsp Talk More Weekends Tarif dengan nilai nol berlaku untuk jam pertama panggilan suara geografis lokal dan nasional langsung (nomor mulai 01, 02 dan 03), nomor ponsel Inggris, nomor 0870 dan 0845 Dimulai pada akhir pekan (sepanjang hari Sabtu dan Minggu). Tidak termasuk akses tidak langsung, internet dial-up, nomor non-geografis lainnya, 070 Personal Numbering, dan 076 Pager charge-bands. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. Panggilan selama 60 menit akan dikenakan tarif standar, kecuali untuk panggilan ke ponsel yang akan dikenakan biaya 5p per menit. Kebijakan penggunaan yang adil berlaku. Nomor 0870 dan 0845 inklusif dikenai batas 1000 menit atau 150 panggilan per periode 30 hari penuh. Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan untuk biaya pemasangan di virginmediacallostost. Bicara Lebih Banyak Malam Akhir Pekan: Tarif tanpa tarif berlaku untuk jam pertama panggilan suara lokal dan nasional langsung yang dilakukan secara langsung (nomor mulai 01, 02 dan 03), nomor ponsel Inggris, nomor 0870 dan 0845 dimulai dalam waktu senja (7 pm Sampai jam 7 pagi) dan akhir pekan (sepanjang hari Sabtu dan Minggu). Tidak termasuk akses tidak langsung, internet dial-up, nomor non-geografis lainnya, 070 Personal Numbering, dan 076 Pager charge-bands. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. Panggilan selama 60 menit akan dikenakan tarif standar, kecuali untuk panggilan ke ponsel yang akan dikenakan biaya 5p per menit. Kebijakan penggunaan yang adil berlaku. 0870 dan 0845 nomor tunduk pada batas bersama 1000 menit atau 150 panggilan per periode 30 hari. Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan untuk biaya pemasangan di virginmediacallcosts. Bicara Lagi Kapan saja: Tarif zero-rated berlaku untuk jam pertama panggilan suara geografis lokal dan nasional langsung (hanya nomor 01, 02 dan 03), nomor ponsel Inggris, nomor 0870 dan 0845. Tidak termasuk akses tidak langsung, internet dial-up, nomor non-geografis lainnya, 070 Personal Numbering, dan 076 Pager charge-bands. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. Panggilan selama 60 menit akan dikenakan tarif standar, kecuali untuk panggilan ke ponsel yang akan dikenakan biaya 5p per menit. 0870 dan 0845 nomor tunduk pada batas bersama 1000 menit atau 150 panggilan per periode 30 hari. Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan biaya pemasangan atampnbspvirginmediacallcosts. Bicara Lagi Internasional Kapan saja: Tarif dengan nilai nol berlaku untuk jam pertama panggilan suara geografis lokal dan nasional Inggris langsung (nomor mulai 01, 02 dan 03), nomor ponsel Inggris, 0845 dan 0870, dan nomor lainnya dimulai dengan 08 , Dan panggilan ke 30 destinasi darat internasional sebagai berikut - Australia, Austria, Belgia, Kanada, China, Siprus, Denmark, Prancis, Jerman, Yunani, Hong Kong, Hungaria, India, Irlandia, Israel, Italia (termasuk Kota Vatikan), Jepang , Luxembourg, Malaysia, Belanda, Selandia Baru, Norwegia, Polandia, Portugal, Singapura, Spanyol, Swedia, Swiss, Thailand dan Amerika Serikat (juga termasuk panggilan ke ponsel di China, Hong Kong, India, Singapura dan Thailand). Tidak termasuk akses tidak langsung, internet dial-up, nomor non-geografis lainnya, 070 Personal Numbering, dan 076 Pager charge-bands. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. Panggilan selama 60 menit akan dikenakan tarif standar, kecuali untuk panggilan ke ponsel yang akan dikenakan biaya 5p per menit. Kebijakan penggunaan yang adil berlaku. 08 nomor dikenai batas 1000 menit atau 150 panggilan per periode 30 hari penuh. ampnbsp rincian lengkap biaya panggilan biaya pemasangan di virginmediacallcosts. Biaya panggilan: Untuk rincian tentang berapa biaya untuk menghubungi tim kami dari telepon rumah Virgin Media, kunjungilah di tempat yang paling murah. Biaya panggilan dari jaringan lain dan ponsel bervariasi. Harap dicatat bahwa biaya standar berlaku, hubungi operator jaringan Anda untuk mengetahui harga. Sewa telepon: Line rental saat ini 19 bulan. Line Rental Saver: 196 selama 12 bulan Line Rental harus dibayar terlebih dahulu dengan kartu kredit debit. Tersedia untuk pelanggan baru dan yang ada dengan saluran telepon kabel Virgin Media. Biaya panggilan berlaku sesuai tarif anda. Tidak tersedia dengan penawaran sewa baris lainnya atau tawaran rencana telepon di rumah. Jika Anda membatalkan Line Rental Saver dalam waktu 14 hari kerja sejak pesanan Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan pengembalian uang muka dari uang muka Anda ke kartu debit atau kartu kredit yang Anda bayar. Jika uang muka tidak dapat dikembalikan. Setelah 12 bulan, Anda akan secara otomatis beralih ke biaya sewa baris standar (saat ini 19 bulan). Kebijakan penggunaan yang adil berlaku. Panggilan ke nomor Mobile: Panggilan tak terbatas ke nomor Mobile di Inggris disertakan jika nomor ponsel aktif dalam 90 hari sebelumnya (yaitu panggilan, data atau sesi data yang dapat diisi ulang telah dilakukan). Kategori panggilan sesuai dengan rencana bicara telepon rumah Anda. Re-dial sebelum 60 menit untuk menghindari biaya panggilan. ampnbspFair menggunakan kebijakan berlaku. Tarif dengan nilai nol: Tarif tanpa Nol berlaku pada jam pertama panggilan langsung ke nomor yang termasuk dalam rencana Bicara yang Anda pilih yang dimulai dalam periode yang relevan. Anda akan dikenakan biaya untuk panggilan yang berlangsung lebih lama dari 60 menit. ampnbspampnbsp rincian lengkap biaya panggilan biaya pemasangan atampnbspvirginmediacallcosts. Talk Mobile 2: Tersedia sebagai add-on dengan Talk Weekends, Talk More Weekends dan Talk More Evenings and Weekends. Bicara Tarif telepon seluler berlaku bagi pelanggan yang membayar berlangganan bulanan Talk Mobile 2 tambahan. Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan untuk biaya pemasangan di virginmediacallcosts. Semua panggilan dikenai biaya koneksi panggilan 19 sen. Panggilan seluler diskon dan inklusif ke semua ponsel di Inggris, tidak termasuk layanan lain yang dimulai dengan 07, seperti layanan Personal Numbering, Mobile WiFi atau Pager dll. Anda harus menyimpan paket Talk Mobile Anda paling sedikit 30 hari. Syarat dan ketentuan lebih lanjut berlaku, lihat virginmedia untuk rinciannya. Talk International 2: Tersedia sebagai add-on dengan rencana Virgin Talk kecuali Talk More International Anytime atau Rencana Bicara yang lebih tua. Biaya panggilan Talk International 2 berlaku bagi pelanggan yang membayar berlangganan bulanan Talk International 2 tambahan. Rincian lengkap biaya panggilan biaya pemasangan atampnbspvirginmediacallcosts. Bila tidak ada biaya panggilan yang ditentukan, biaya telepon rumah akan berlaku. Semua panggilan dikenai biaya koneksi panggilan 19 sen. Anda harus menyimpan paket Talk International 2 Anda sekurang-kurangnya 30 hari. ampnbsp Syarat dan ketentuan lebih lanjut berlaku, lihat virginmedia untuk rinciannya. Panggilan Inklusif ke Virgin Media Direktori Nasional Permintaan (118 180): Hanya mencakup panggilan ke 118 180 dari biaya Telepon Rumah Anda berlaku untuk panggilan telepon ke 118180 dari telepon seluler atau operator lainnya. Tidak termasuk semua layanan penyelidikan direktori pihak ketiga. Kebijakan Penggunaan Wajar berlaku maksimal 10 panggilan per hari. AmpnbspAnda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tidak melebihi uang saku ini. Jika Anda melebihi uang saku, kami berhak (berdasarkan pertimbangan kami sendiri) untuk menagih Anda untuk panggilan tersebut (30p per panggilan). Pembatasan koneksi lanjutan berlaku. Transfer nomor: Transfer nomor tergantung ketersediaan. Bila Anda meminta nomor telepon Anda tetap ada, jika nomor Anda belum di porting dalam waktu 24 jam setelah tanggal aktivasi, Anda mungkin berhak mendapatkan kompensasi. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, hubungi tim kami dengan bebas 150 dari telepon Virgin Media atau 0345 454 1111 dari jalur lain. Untuk rincian tentang berapa biaya untuk menghubungi tim kami, lihat halaman biaya panggilan kami. Inclusive calls to landlines: Your inclusive landline calls are to UK numbers beginning 01, 02 and 03. Last Number Recall: Where a charge applies for using 1471 the cost is 19.2 pence, plus the standard call connection and pence per minute rates. You will hear an announcement when you dial 1471 if this charge applies. Full details of call chargesconnection fees at virginmediacallcosts. Ring Back When Free :Dependent on area. Customers in some areas may incur a charge of 35p per use. Caller Display: Availability depends on area. Price disclaimer: Prices may change at any time during your contract. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure that current prices are accurately reflected in all literature, including this website, occasionally discrepancies may occur. In the event of conflicting pricing information, our PDF Tariff guide virginmediacallcosts takes precedence. General: Phones subject to availability. Each July your Airtime Contract will increase in line with the Retail Price Index rate of inflation announced in the April before. Plans include UK calls to UK landlines (01, 02, 03) amp UK mobile networks. Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man mobiles excluded. UK texts and data only. Speeds experienced will vary by device and location. Tethering and peer to peer file sharing prohibited. Acceptable use policy applies. Calls to service numbers: The cost of calling 084, 087, 118 and 09 is formed of a combined access and service charge: we set the access charge and the company youre calling set the service charge. Your access charge for these numbers will be shown on your bill and is currently 36p per minute for Pay As You Go and 45p per minute for Pay Monthly. The service charge will be advertised by the company that you are calling. Calls to other non-geographic numbers: Freephone calls starting 0800 or 0808 are free from mobiles. Calls to 0500 are free. Calls to 070 numbers will cost you up to 2.50 a minute in the UK. Pay Monthly SIM Only: 30-day minimum contract applies. Pay As You Go: Account must be in credit to join Big Talk or Big Data amp Texts. Plan changes by agreement only. Previous top ups will not count towards monthly rewards. Total monthly top-ups value determines reward. Rewards added on the first day of the month following top-up amp valid for one month or until used if sooner. Minutes for UK landlines (beginning 01, 02, 03) amp UK mobile networks. Person-to-person UK texts only (delivery notifications excluded.) UK data only. Tethering prohibited. Registration required - visit virginmobileyouraccount. PAYG service terms apply.. Mobile Broadband: Usage amounts given as example only. Credit check and payment by Direct Debit required. 30 day rolling or 12 month contract. If you cancel during the contract you will incur an early disconnection fee. Data bundle is for use within the UK only. Access and speeds are subject to network coverage. Voice-Over-Internet Protocol is not supported. If your use exceeds your monthly allowance you will be charged at the out-of-bundle rate of 2 a day for each day that you use data. Roaming charges apply to your use outside the UK. Pay Monthly terms of service apply. Mobile WiFi device required with upfront fee of 39.99. For full terms and conditions visit virginmobilelegalstuff . Guaranteed next day replacement: Applies to all claims accepted before 6pm Sunday to Friday. Money back guarantee: Our 14 day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee lets you exchange your joining pack or phone for a different one of the same value or get a full refund, less any airtime youve bought. Prepaid packaging will be provided to post it back. Pay As You Go customers will be charged for any airtime used according to our Pay As You Go tariff. Pay Monthly customers will be charged for any airtime used. Calls and texts prior to return will be charged at 31p per minute and 13p per text. UKs Best Value Network: Virgin Media awarded Best Value Network at 2014,2015 and 2016 Mobile Choice Consumer Awards, decided by public vote among readers of Mobile Choice magazine. Results announced in October each year and valid for one year. 98 UK Population Coverage: Based on using the EE network. Film Music Emotion and the Film Scores An Empirical Approach by Hilary Schaefer This paper discusses some common assumptions made about the emotional effects of film scores and outlines several empirical studies that could be performed in order to test these assumptions. The studies are intended as suggestions they have not been carried out by the author of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to focus on a particular topic within the arts and explore how one could study it using techniques of experimental psychology. These studies have practical applications for filmmakers who may be able to use findings from the experiments to enhance the emotional quality of their films. Music has been a part of film almost since the beginning of motion pictures. Music originally had a practical use: to keep the audience from talking and dull the sound of the noisy projector (Buchanan, 1974). Martin Williams writes that even today, at the crudest level, one might say that the music is there simply to keep the audience from becoming distracted (Williams, 1974). Music is used in various ways in movies: as part of the story as in musicals, as background music within the story (for example, when a character turns on the radio), and as background music to which only the audience is privy. It is used in this way to complement cartoons, comedies, action-adventures, science-fiction, and drama. Though the film score is intended to be subtle, it is far from inconsequential. Apparently, parts of Alex Norths music for A Streetcar Named Desire were attacked. as too suggestive (Embler, 1974). This paper focuses on the emotional effectiveness of the film score (the music to which only the audience is privy). The following list contains assumptions made by most people inside and outside of the film industry regarding film scores: Music adds to the emotional quality of the film. There is some empirical evidence to support this: fast and loud music arouses, slow and soft music calms. Motion and emotion are often entwined (Meyer, 1956). Music, used skillfully, can cover up otherwise weak directing andor cinematography. The most effective scores are those which operate just below the consciousness of the moviegoer. Many in the film industry, including the composers, feel that music offers a kind of sub-text it serves as thought bubbles on screen. When stories are transferred from the page to the screen, inner thoughts and commentary are lost, a major reason why many people feel a film version of a story is far inferior to the book. This sort of commentary is somewhat replaced by the music. Composers who write film music are craftsmen rather than artists (though serious composers such as Sergei Prokofiev and Aaron Copland have composed for films). Some film historians consider film music to be a leftover remnant from the silent film era (rather like a vestigial organ). Often what is true is not as important as what moviegoers think is true. Fred Karlin writes, in Listening to Movies . We get a lot of our historical musical information from Hollywood. These conventions now sound authentic (Karlin, 1994). For example, moviegoers have a schema about Asia and what Asian music should sound like. The composer will write more successfully if she chooses music that evokes Asia in the listeners minds rather than authentic Asian music. In this way, false conceptions of cultures music have been propagated over many decades and are now in the collective consciousness. Music is generally thought of as a universal language. Instrumental cliches are common in the industry. According to Kalinak, strings are thought to be the most expressive instrument because they are closest to the human voice in range and tone (Kalinak, 1992). The eye is generally thought to be superior to the ear in our culture (Kalinak, 1992), though Aristotle and Theophrastus feel hearing is the sense that most deeply stirs our emotions (Kalinak, 1992) and Hermann Helmholtz thinks that aural art stands in a much closer connection with pure sensation than any of the other arts (Kalinak, 1992). Counterpoint music, which does not duplicate visual information (Kalinak, 1992), is far superior to the Mickey Mousing technique, in which music duplicates the visual exactly, most often used with animation. Film composers sometimes get typecast. It is no surprise that John Williamss themes to E. T. . Star Wars . and Indiana Jones are difficult to hum in succession because they sound similar. Some people love the score to a movie within the context of the movie, but if they hear it outside of the context of the movie, they do not like it. Most of the research in the psychology of music has dealt with the perception and cognition of music. However, little has been done regarding the listeners emotional response to music and even less has been done specifically concerning the emotional effectiveness of film scores. Sweeping statements have been made and assumed by those writing about film music. Statements such as we are more relaxed when we are not straining to comprehend through one sense alone (Embler, 1974) are made with such ease that they appear to be factual. But these statements are little more than opinions until one provides empirical support to back them up. It may be true that senses aid each other, but statements such as these cannot be made in a vacuum. References to studies would add to the credibility of those writing about film music. A greater problem arises when two writers explicitly differ in opinion. According to William Wolf, music was applied to drama to tell an audience how it should feel at any given crisis (Wolf, 1974). By contrast, William Alwyn writes that music is a vital part of the dramatic structure of the production and not an emotional prop filling the sound track with false stimulants (Alwyn, 1957). Since neither of these statements is supported by empirical evidence, what is the careful reader to believe Whereas Wolf refers to a recording studio as an emotion factory (Wolf 1974), John Huntley and Roger Manvell explain that theres always been some form of association between music and the presentation of drama (Huntley, 1957). Regardless of its effects, most people agree that music is a vital part of film. The importance of film music does not guarantee respect for its creation, as composers generally enter the film-making process late in the game. They are asked to add music after a film is shot, rather than being part of the entire creative process. People walked out laughing upon initial screenings of The Lost Weekend . But, when the music was changed, it won best picture (Karlin, 1994). If filmmakers agree that music can potentially add so much to a film, would giving the composers more time to create add to the emotional effectiveness of the film If laboratory and field studies show that the emotional quality of a film is affected by the quality of the music, perhaps directors and producers will treat the film score aspect of the movie making process with more respect and seriousness. Are any of the aforementioned assumptions correct Some empirical research has been conducted regarding music as a general emotional elicitor. Research done by Konecni shows clear emotional effects of music. Loud and complex melodies arouse non-aroused and aroused people to anger and soft and simple melodies soothe aroused people (Konecni, 1982). Other studies have shown clear effects of music on the listener. An article entitled The effects of Music on Responses to a Dining Area in the Journal of Environmental Psychology shows that the style and complexity of music can affect the diners mood. Zalanowski found that soothing music, as opposed to stimulating or no music, led to an increased level of verbalization in a discussion group (North, 1996). May and Hamilton studied the effects of music of positive affect, music of negative affect and no music on the physical attractiveness that female subjects perceived in photographs of males (North, 1996). And Milliman found that fast music led to shoppers moving more quickly but spending less money than when slow tempo music was played (North, 1996). Though little has been done to date, researchers can tackle many of the questions involving the relationship between emotion and film scores. The following studies are initial attempts to fit emotion and music into an experimental paradigm. They are brief methodological sketches designed to give the reader an idea of how to go about studying some of the more general assumptions made regarding film scores. The main approaches to measuring emotions in laboratory experiments include subjects self-ratings, physiological measurements, and observational assessments. In self-ratings, subjects rate such measures as how pleasant a stimulus is and how aroused they feel on quantitative scales (for example from 1-9, 5 being neutral). According to Albert Mehrabian and Warren Wixen, combinations of various levels of pleasure, arousal, and dominance are necessary and sufficient to describe any emotional state (Mehrabian, 1986). Thus, subjects self-reports must contain these scales at a minimum. In physiological measurements, subjects are hooked up to various machines possibly recording EMG (electric activity in a skeletal muscle), EEG (electric potential produced by brain cells), temperature, heart rate, blood volume pulse, skin conductance, respiration, and serotonin levels (among other vasoconstrictors). Observational assessments include recording facial expressions and body position. In some cases, the stimulus needs to be edited, dubbed, or altered (when different music is substituted for the original music on a videotape). If no editing services are available, it is possible to play the music separately on a cassette player as the video is running, but this crude measure should only be taken if absolutely necessary. If this is done, care should be taken to record the original music on the cassette player as well, instead of playing it as part of the videotape. Thus, the sound quality will remain consistent across groups. The emotion assessments will differ based on the scope of the study and available resources and funding. Depending on the resources of the lab implementing these studies, the studies may take advantage of sophisticated physiological measurements, incorporate body movement coding (including videotaping the subjects), use simple subject self-rating scales, or any combination of the above. At a bare minimum, no special equipment is needed emotions can be assessed by subject self-report. How much does music add to the emotional quality of a scene and how much can it detract from it Observational studies of which music has worked and which music has not worked can be done by looking at reviews, journals, and memoirs during the silent film era. These films are our purest sample, as silent films were accompanied by music only . Max Winkler recalled that more and more musical mishaps began to turn drama and tragedy on the screen into farce and disaster (Winkler, 1974). Dimitri Tiomkin states that music has come to be one of the means of story-telling. It is easy to prove this. Just try to transplant any pictures musical score to similar scenes in another picture. You will find that the transplantation doesnt live (Tiomkin, 1974). Tiomkins suggestion is easy to implement in a laboratory experiment which could involve showing the famous battle scene from Laurence Oliviers Henry V to viewers. In such a study, the feelings, body posture, facial expressions, andor level of arousal should be recorded for one group of subjects. In a second group, the same scene would be presented without music while a third group would see the same scene with music, such as jazz, that does not fit the mood of the scene. After listening to the score without the visual, a fourth group would be asked to write down what kind of scene the music might portray. A fifth group should listen to music which has been taken from Kenneth Branaghs Henry V . Although Branagh and Olivier work from the same source, their approach to the scene is quite different. Can we successfully switch the scores without damaging the original artistic intent of each film Will viewers who have seen the movies before notice what is different if the score is altered or switched Subjects may notice something is different, but will they know it is the music Take a famous scene such as a scene from Jaws or Psycho . The famous two-note Jaws motif when Jaws is about to attack a victim and the screeching violins when Janet Leigh is murdered in Psycho are assumed to be indelibly tied to the scenes. Will viewers who are somewhat familiar with each movie realize if similar music replaces the original music The similar music will have been prejudged to be similar in emotional quality (scary, for example). The emotional ratings of three groups of subjects should be recorded. The first group should be completely unfamiliar with the movies (i. e. have not seen the movies), the second group semi-familiar (i. e. have seen the movies once), and the third group extremely familiar (i. e. have seen the movies multiple times). Is there a between-group difference in noticing something has been altered Is there a between-group emotional difference Is good film music truly that which is not perceived by the listener, as many filmmakers believe Contrary to this belief, Warner Bros. had the most success with movie music simply because it was dubbed louder (Karlin, 1994). In order to test this assumption, volume levels can be adjusted. For example, researchers could adjust the volume levels in the scene from The Empire Strikes Back when Darth Vader, the villain, first appears. Subjects should be divided into three groups. The first group should be exposed to the music at such a level that almost everyone notices the music. The second group should be exposed to average levels of sound. The third group should be exposed to a volume that is barely audible. At what volume level is music most emotionally effective Does the perceptibility of the music actually take away from its effectiveness Writers have simply assumed the answer to this question it would be nice to see some experimental evidence to this effect. What other aspects of the music make it more perceptible besides volume levels Is incongruent music more perceptible Is faster music in a higher register (pitch) more perceptible In a study, the speed and pitch of the music could be altered. Higher pitches tend to be more perceptible alone, even when they are at the same decibel level as lower pitches (sopranos are the most detectable because they usually have the melody, but the top notes appear to be more salient, at least to Western listeners). Does this translate into salience in film scores Does making the music salient affect its emotional effectiveness David O. Selznick says, if the audience is even conscious of the score, it defeats its own purpose (Karlin, 1994). What happens when you tell someone to pay particular attention to the music If you are conscious of it, can it no longer work for you Does it have some sort of mysterious subliminal effect Experimenters could distract one group of subjects by instructing them to look particularly at the costumes while a second group of subjects is instructed to listen specifically for the music. A control group should simply watch the movie without any directions, and, at the end, all subjects should complete questionnaires about how they felt. Physiological arousal can be measured during the viewing to determine whether arousal levels are significantly different between the groups. Particular attention should be paid to whether the physiological measurements are similar between the groups even if the self-ratings are different as subjects may not be conscious of the musics effects. Does typecasting result in generic and interchangeable scores within a genre Though Aaron Copland feels composers should be cast according to their specialty (Huntley, 1957), some of John Williamss scores seem difficult to differentiate. In order to test this question, scores written by the same composer could be switched. For example, is the score to E. T. sufficiently different from Star Wars to be noticed or are they simply generic futuristic scores grounded in classical symphony orchestra Researchers could show one group a scene from Star Wars with its original music. A scene from Star Wars with E. T. music (same genre, same composer) inserted would be presented to a second group, and a third group would view the scene with music from another futuristic epic from the same time period not composed by John Williams, such as Star Trek (Goldsmith, 1980). Which seems more different from the Star Wars music, the Star Trek music or the E. T. music A fourth group should be shown the scene with John Williamss music but music from a different genre, such as Schindlers List or Far and Away . Is this music still characteristically Williamss Is it more or less different from the Star Trek music In other words, which is more important for continuity, the same composer or the same movie genre Does making some aspect of a film familiar matter Does it aid in identification For example, would Star Wars be too foreign were it scored with incredibly futuristic-sounding music The fact that Star Wars took place in the future was not as important as the fact that it was an epic, and it involved real human emotion. For Williams, using a late-romantic sound was a conscious decision. music should have a familiar emotional ring so that as you looked at these strange robots and other unearthly creatures, at sights hitherto unseen, the music would be rooted in familiar traditions (Kalinak, 1992). In order to test this question, researchers should divide subjects into two groups. They should show the first group scenes using the original music and the second group scenes using futuristic music, including synthesized sounds, computer-generated music, and electronic music. Is it more effective to use cliches that will elicit specific emotional responses from the listener or to use authentic music How much should the films time and place influence the score Take a film such as Spartacus . Is it more important to have music sound ancient or to utilize nearly accurate Roman music Does precisely researched music performed on authentic instruments add as much to a score as the prevalent but incorrect perception of the music This question can be easily tested by showing one group of subjects a scene from a movie set in a foreign place accompanied by authentic music. A second group should be shown the scene with music that moviegoers perceive to be ethnically accurate. Which music is more effective in setting the scene and eliciting emotion Do viewers differ significantly in their aesthetic ratings of music while watching a movie and listening to the score separately and is the best film score necessarily the best music Roy Prendergast writes that people like a score within the context of a film but not outside of it (Prendergast, 1954). In addition, Leonard Maltin believes film music was never meant to stand on its own (Maltin, 1994). And Karlin states that musical independence cannot really be considered one of the most important gauges for evaluating a film score (Karlin, 1994). Since the score for Star Wars was one of the top-selling of all time, do we then infer that the score is one of the best of all time An observational study could compare the top selling soundtracks with the most successful movies. Researchers could approach the question of aesthetics with a between-subject design involving eight groups and two movies (A and B). One group would watch movie A and rate the music on likability scales. Questions such as Would you listen to the music on your own and Would you buy the soundtrack could be used to infer liking. Then, in a seemingly unrelated experiment a few days later, the same group should be exposed to the soundtrack without the visuals. Experimenters should present a second group with the soundtrack before having them view movie A. Group three should listen to soundtrack B after watching movie A, and group four should listen to soundtrack B before watching movie A. The same is done for groups five through eight using movie B as the central movie. The different groups are necessary to account for order effects as well as familiarity effects. Can music ever really be neutral Copland writes, Music can serve as a kind of neutral background filler (Prendergast, 1954). Is it somehow more neutral than nothing at all Why is it necessary to use music in this way And if it is used in this way, as a filler, does it take away from the other scenes when it is used to evoke emotion Studies have shown that when subjects look at the color red, they perceive time as passing more quickly than when they look at blue since time seems to go by faster when one is aroused (Smets, 1973). Perhaps the presence of music makes time pass more quickly in the movie, making it less boring and more enjoyable because music is inherently arousing and not neutral at all. Karlin writes that music makes a scene seem shorter (Karlin, 1994). Researchers can examine this issue by asking subjects to estimate the amount of time they were watching a clip. The subjects should be divided into four groups. Experimenters should show one group a clip without music and another group a clip with music that has been deemed neutral (5 on a pleasantness scale). The third group should be shown the clip with what has been prejudged as arousing music while the final group views the clip with what has been prejudged as soothing music. Which group of subjects will feel that the least amount of time passed Researchers may wish to alter the clips used as some may be more visually arousing than others, which may alter the effects of the auditory stimuli. How do directors and composers determine where music is needed Filmmakers differ in how they view the insertion of music into film. According to Karlin, the theory that less is more is favored by some directors (Karlin, 1994). Huntley states that when used too much, musics dramatic power is weakened (Huntley, 1957). Using a different approach, Jerry Goldsmith, who wrote the scores for Star Trek and Awakenings among others, says, I decide if it should be there purely by my emotions (Karlin, 1994). Often the absence of music is the most effective (Hendricks, 1974). Some of the best composers know when not to use music some of the most intense scenes remain so because they live on their own. Copland realized that sheer contrast is in itself dramatic (Huntley, 1957). How would the Psycho shower scene appear if it were in silence Would it appear scarier, as the heroine cannot make any noise, and no one hears the murder Or would it appear empty, as if something were missing Is it okay if the scene is unsettling in this way, or are the directors responsible for making the moviegoers comfortably uncomfortable The moviegoers know what to expect within the realm of the unexpected. These questions may be investigated by showing subjects a movie without music and asking them where music needs to be added. In addition, a separate group of subjects should watch a movie with constant underscoring. Subjects should be asked when they felt the music seemed unnecessary and out of place. Why is the score so much more a part of film than live theater Of course filmmakers can make films without music but the composer and the conditioned reflexes of the cinema audience have made music a vital ingredient in the production of a film (Huntley, 1957). Are there differences in emotional distance in movies and plays Walter Leigh writes that every sound in film, unlike theater, is taken as significant and purposeful (Huntley, 1957). What is the difference Does music take away from the spontaneity of the play Does it add to the emotional present Does no music make the movie version appear more or less real What about a recording of a live performance Would this benefit more or less from an added score Experimenters should divide subjects into four groups. They could show the first group the film version of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest without any music and show the second group the film version with music. The third and fourth groups should be shown the stage version with and without music, respectively the decision as to whether to show a live stage version or a videotape of a live performance should be made ahead of time. Showing a videotaped version of the performance, while logistically easier, cannot tease out emotional distance effects. However, because of the nature of live performance, each subject would see a slightly different show. In order to avoid this problem, all subjects could be exposed to the show at once. Since subjects may affect each others emotional responses, researchers may wish to show both videotaped and live performances in order to avoid confounded variables. Can viewers recall the theme music to specific characters Characters are often given their own theme music which filmmakers seem to assume helps the audience to react to certain characters in specific ways. Subjects should be shown a film that they have not seen before and that contains recognizable character themes. After watching the film, the experimenters could expose viewers to ten different themes (themes for other characters in other movies as well as other characters in the same movie). The themes should be similar to and different from the original themes. For example, if the character is a bad guy, the themes should be of other bad guys as well as heroes. Can the subject pick out the theme for the character in question a significant percentage of the time If not, does this mean the theme was not effective Beyond the actual music composition, how important is the orchestrator in the success of the film Should the orchestrator and composer necessarily be the same person An observational study may be used to answer this question. Some of the questions that may be asked in an observational study include: Are the composers who have orchestrated their own music more successful Are the films they have composed for more successful (average gross as well as critical acclaim) Researchers who choose to perform an empirical study should pick a theme, for simplicity say the theme for Jaws, and re-orchestrate it. Re-orchestration would result in the same melody and rhythm with a different timbre (different instruments would be used). Would the theme be as effective if trumpets played the two-note motif What if an electric guitar or a flute played the motif Researchers could create the stimuli with the help of an electronic synthesizer. The theme could be played on a keyboard where the instruments can be changed from a single clarinet to an entire symphony orchestra with a simple press of a button. Each version could be recorded separately and dubbed onto the Jaws video, and each subject would view only one version of the clip. Is the actual melody more important than the instrumentation Who would notice a difference more, the person who listens to the original melody played by a new instrument or the person who listens to a new melody played by the original instruments Using the original written score, which shows the instruments played at each moment of the piece, one can compose new melodies utilizing the instrumentation of the Jaws theme. Special care should be taken to make the new motifs the exact length of the old motif. Many variables may be altered such as rhythm, pitch, dynamics, and speed. Compare the emotional difference between naturally occurring films containing dialogue only, music only, and both music and dialogue. In these cases, no adjustment to or editing of the stimuli is necessary. Between 1929-1939, there were one-hundred percent talkies, with no music at all. Contrast this with a silent film (scores have been added to these films) and a current film (which contains both dialogue and music). Is the merge of music and talking the most emotionally evocative Has there been an evolution in cinema Researchers especially interested in this question may wish to expand their studies to include live performance by analyzing straight plays (all dialogue), musicals (dialogue and music), and opera (all music). Does film music have to be less complex than art music Because the purpose of music in films is to evoke specific emotional responses and the music is not intended to be heard, analyzed, and enjoyed on its own, as concert music is, does it have to be simpler Can trained musicians hear the difference between film music and other kinds of music What are the characteristics of art music that are often adopted into films (such as Beethovens Moonlight Sonata ) Does the relationship between complexity of music and liking (the inverse U-relationship described originally by Berlyne, in Smets, 1973) still apply to film scores Researchers may begin to approach these questions by conducting laboratory studies. They could have subjects listen to different music clips (some originally composed for film and some composed for the concert hall) and rate the amount of imagery evoked by each of the pieces (they are blind to the nature of each piece). Perhaps film music is more easily evocative in the pictorial sphere. Is it more effective to use original or known music Does using a marketable score detract from the film (for example, scores for movies such as Pretty Woman which include old hits such as Pretty Woman) Is this somehow less effective because each audience member brings his or her own past associations to the music For instance, if Pretty Woman were playing when you broke up with your lover, the song may elicit specific emotions from you regardless of the context. But, if the song is composed specifically for the film . then the music is tied to the film individual experiences will not affect the emotions evoked by the music. Perhaps known music is more distracting even if members of the audience do not bring their own associations to it. On the other hand, studies have shown positive correlations between familiarity and liking perhaps the music will be liked more if it is already familiar. These questions may be tested by exposing subjects to films that have been judged as similar in theme and genre prior to the study. Possible confounded variables abound in this study as researchers should be using unaltered scores. Since no film (to the authors knowledge) has been made in two versions, one with a known and one with an original score, researchers may have difficulty teasing out other variables such as acting, direction, and plot. However, they may wish to show many different films in order to compare the different variables. Can music really cover-up a weak scene Copland says that the Hollywood producer secretly hopes that a good score will save a second-rate picture (Kresh, 1974). In order to study this question, film scenes should be chosen that have been prejudged to be weak, moderate, or strong in emotional elicitation (the scenes will have been shown without music). Experimenters should divide the subjects into six groups, exposing each group to one version of one scene. The first three groups should view each type of scene without music while groups four through six watch each type of scene with music. Subjects should rate the scene on its ability to evoke emotional response as well as on its quality. Close attention should be paid to whether the music increases the emotionality of a weak scene more than stronger scenes, whether the music adds less additional emotionality to the strong scene than the other scenes, whether the music detracts from the strong scene, and whether the overall ratings for emotionality and quality for the weak scene with music are equal to or higher than the moderate and strong scenes with music. Does music enhance the understanding of a complex scene According to Huntley, music allows the producer to suggest and express emotions and associations which would have been impossible to achieve by pictorial means alone (Huntley, 1957). In order to study this question, scenes should be chosen that have been prejudged as complex. Subjects should watch clips with and without music and respond to open-ended questions designed to elicit interpretations of the scene, such as, What do you think motivates the character and What would the character want to do if she were not in her current situation Researchers may wish to extend this study by choosing clips from movies that were based on books (the subtext is written in the book). Could subjects unfamiliar with the text version describe the subtext more accurately when music is present than when it is not Does Mickey Mousing lead viewers to predict action, and if so, does it take away from the emotionality of the scene Mickey Mousing, or the simultaneous mimicking of the action with the music, is often used in cartoons. It appears to be comical when used in dramatic situations. What about it makes it appear comical Is it more difficult for the viewer to push the music out of consciousness if the music is literally a part of the action How can it be deemed less realistic than a score in general Buchanan says the main problem with Mickey Mousing is that each dramatic situation is easily predicted by the viewer unfortunate enough to hear this type of soundtrack, and the dramatic impact is thereby dulled (Buchanan, 1974). One way researchers may wish to approach these questions is by showing a scene with differing levels of Mickey Mousing. Experimenters should make one version of a scene with music that duplicates the action (e. g. a chase scene with music timed so that each beat matches the footsteps of the runners), one version with music unrelated to the action (e. g. a chase scene with lento and adagio music), and an intermediate version with music that is similar to the action (e. g. a chase scene with allegro and presto music). Viewers may interpret music that has nothing to do with the action as a conscious choice on the part of filmmakers, perhaps mirroring a subtext (i. e. there is no way out for the person being chased). Music can convey the emotional rather than the physical character of the scene (Prendergast, 1954). For example, in Force of Evil . David Raksin composed slow music for a final scene where the protagonist is running. It is not until this point in the movie that the character has found any sort of quietude. Raksin reflects this psychological point in his slow music for this sequence (Prendergast, 1954). Would incongruous music be more effective than music that mimics the scene, but less effective than music that complements the scene Why should we study music Many argue that the arts are not worth studying because they are difficult to fit into the experimental paradigm. Others assume that studying them would not add to their appreciation since the arts lack clear objective criteria for quality. In addition, many people feel that few practical applications will result from studying the arts. Contrary to these beliefs, studies such as Smets have shown that the stimuli which elicit aesthetic pleasure are not arbitrary (thus disproving the first and second arguments). Many practical applications may result from studying the arts as each of us is exposed to art, specifically music, daily in supermarkets, restaurants, theaters, clubs, cars, and homes. Roger Brown wrote in the inaugural issue of Psychomusicology that there are: artifacts suggesting the existence of music for as long a period as there are clear signs of the human species. And human societies with no music. have never been found. Saya t. seems that music has a better claim than language to be considered uniquely human (Brown, 1981). Music is part of what makes us who we are therefore psychology, as the science of the mind, has an obligation to study it. Hilary Schaefer (98) is a Psychology major with a minor in English. Alwyn, W. (1957). Pengantar. In Huntley, John amp Manvell, Roger (Eds.), The Technique of Film Music . London: Focal Press. Brown, R. (1981). Do we need a Psychomusicology Psychomusicology 1: 2 . 7-11. Buchanan, L. G. (1974). The art of composing music scores for films. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp. 29-32). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Deutsch, D. (Ed.). (1982). The Psychology of Music. New York: Academic Press, Inc. Embler, J. (1974). The structure of film music. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp. 61-66). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Goldsmith, J. (1980). Music from the Galaxies . London Symphony Orchestra, Stratta, E. (cond.). New York: CBS Classical Music. Hendricks, G. (1974). Film music comes of age. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp. 45-54). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Huntley, J. amp Manvell, R. (1957). The Technique of Film Music . London: Focal Press. Kalinak, K. (1992). Settling the Score: Music and the Classical Hollywood Film. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. Karlin, F. (1994). Listening to Movies: The Film Lovers Guide to Film Music. New York: Schirmer Books. Konecni, V. J. (1982). Social interaction and musical preference. In Deutsch, D. (Ed.), The Psychology of Music (pp. 497-516). New York: Academic Press, Inc. Kresh, P. (1974). Is there any music at the movies. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp.32-42). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Maltin, L. Foreword. (1994). In Karlin, F. Listening to Movies: The Film Lovers Guide to Film Music. New York: Schirmer Books. Mehrabian, A. amp Wixen, W. J. (1986). Preferences for individual video games as a function of their emotional effects on players. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16: 1 . 3-15. Meyer, L. B. (1956). Emotion and Meaning in Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. North, A. C. amp Hargreaves, D. J. (1996). The effects of music on responses to a dining area. Journal of Environmental Psychology 16: 2 . 135-137. Prendergast, R. (1954). Film Music: A Neglected Art . New York: W. W. Norton amp Co. Smets, G. (1973). Aesthetic Judgment and Arousal: An Experimental Contribution to Psycho-Aesthetics . Belgium: Leuven University Press. Tiomkin, D. (1974). Composing for films. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp. 55-61). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Williams, M. (1974). Jazz at the movies. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp.42-44). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Winkler, M. (1974). The origin of film music. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp.15-24). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Wolf, William. (1974). Facing the music: why movie scores are usually so awful. In Limbacher, J. L. (Ed.), Film Music: From Violins to Video (pp. 51-54). New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHOLOGY UNDERGRADUATE JOURNAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CO DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 3815 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19104 Perspectives in Psychology is a non-profit publication funded by the Student Activities Council of the University of Pennsylvania. All inquiries and comments should be directed to the editor co the Psychology Department. Seluruh hak cipta. 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